About Our School
Clermiston Primary School is a non-denominational school which serves the Clermiston and Drumbrae area in the North West of the city and has a roll of 470 which includes 80 nursery class places.
The school roll has increased steadily over the last 4 sessions and there are currently 17 classes from P1-7 and a nursery am and pm class.
The Senior Leadership Team (SLT) currently consists of a Head Teacher, two Depute Head Teachers, three Principal Teachers and a Business Manager. The Head Teacher, started in post in August 2013, the Depute Head took up her post in November 2013 and the Principal Teachers began in January 2014, August 2016 and May 2019 respectively. There is a Support for Learning teacher for four days per week (Monday - Thursday). Specialist teaching is provided in Physical Education. There is woodwind and brass instruction for some pupils in P6 – P7. The school is well resourced with technology and has excellent outdoor facilities which are well-utilised by all learners. A full staff list can be found here
Currently we are a SILVER Rights Aware, and we are looking forward to applying for our GOLD Award!