Early Level Significant Aspects:  Nursery - P1

•      use maths vocabulary  in discussion about size and amount e.g. larger, smaller, about the same

•      recognise numbers in the environment and understand and use them in conversation

•      recognise and identify the number symbols to beyond 10

•      count,  starting at zero,  and order numbers beyond 10

•      count a set of objects using 1:1 correspondence beyond 10

•      tell which number(s) comes before or after a number and can count on and back in ones and twos from a given number

•      hold a number in their head and count on

•      add two groups (sets) together

•      take some away and count how many are left

•      share a collection of objects equally

•      recognise and name different coins and use appropriate coins to buy something

•      order and talk about their day and events in their life

•      use the words yesterday, today and tomorrow when discussing time

•      order the days of the week

•      know that there are 4 seasons and can name them

•      put objects in order according to length and weight

•      use a variety of objects to measure length and weight

•      recognise patterns in their world

•      explain and justify the ways in which they have recorded and sorted information

•      sort 2D shapes and 3D objects by sight and touch

•      recognise and name a variety of 2D shapes and 3D objects

•      use positional words to describe where things/people are

•      respond to and use vocabulary to describe a movement or journey e.g. up, down, across

•      use the signs and charts around them for information

•      copy, complete and create patterns

1st Level Significant Aspects:  P2 - P4

•      quickly and accurately recall key number facts

•      demonstrate how the value of a digit depends on where it is placed and use place value to split a number

•      identify numbers up to 10 000 and place numbers in the correct order, identifying the number after, between and before

•      use benchmarks/groupings of 5 and 10 to work out larger amounts

•      use a variety of strategies to add and subtract pairs of 2 and 3 digit numbers (including decimals), to work out any

•      multiplication fact, multiply/divide any number up to 4 digits (inc. decimals) by a single digit and by 10 and 100

•      use my knowledge of multiplying by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10 to solve/create word problems in different contexts

•      discuss and explain what they have discovered about the patterns in multiplication tables eg doubling, halving, visual patterns

•      use a rough calculation/estimate to check if their answer makes sense

•      find a half, a quarter, a tenth of a whole and show that two halves/four quarters/ten tenths make a whole

•      write the notation ½, ¼, ¹?10 and use the denominator to tell how many parts make up the whole

•      find halves, quarters, tenths on a number line and identify where a fraction lies on a number line

•      identify the numerator and explain what it means and compare fractions with the same denominator

•      use their knowledge of the times table to find one half/one tenth/one quarter/one fifth of any object/amount

•      show that fractions can share the same place on a number line and match fractions that have the same value

•      recognise, identify and order coins and notes and count on to tell the change needed when buying an item

•      use knowledge of place value to read and record amounts of money and convert between £ and p

•      transfer number knowledge of the four operations and apply these to money problems

•      pay for goods using different combinations of coins and notes in a variety of contexts

•      explain there are 24 hrs in a day, 60 mins in an hour and 60 secsin a minute and can use these facts in calculations

•      read, record and match time on analogue and digital clocks use and offer different ways of expressing the same times

•      name and sequence the 12 months of the year, know how many days and weeks are in each month and in a year 

•      use standard and non-standard units to measure the time taken to complete a task

•      identify standard units as metre, kilogram and litre.

•      know that 1 metre is made up of 100cm and make accurate measurements by using knowledge of fractions ie. ½ m, ¼ m

•      select the most appropriate unit of measure when carrying out practical tasks

•      use appropriate vocabulary to compare and order shapes by area

•      describe patterns, identify the missing part of a pattern and continue a number sequence by identifying the rule

•      recognise odd and even numbers within our number system

•      talk about and demonstrate  understanding of the signs =, ≠, >, <.

•      use a variety of strategies to find the value of a missing number in an expression or simple equation eg 27+?=90

•      use number bonds to find calculations which balance eg 18+12 = 47-17

•      identify, name and describe the features of a variety of 2D shapes and 3D objects

•      draw a line of symmetry on a pattern, picture or shape and recognise horizontal/vertical lines of symmetry

•      describe and follow a journey using directional vocabulary

•      use grid references to locate and describe position

•      interpret information from a variety of sources

•      collate and organise the information in a variety of ways, explaining the criteria used

•     recognise and use different ways of displaying data.

2nd Level Significant Aspects:  P5 - P7

•     quickly and accurately recall key number facts

•     place and identify numbers (including fractions, decimal fractions, negative numbers) up to 1 million

•     use a variety of strategies to add and subtract pairs of 2 and 3 digit numbers (including decimals) to work out any multiplication fact, multiply/divide any number up to 4 digits

•     (inc. decimals) by a single digit and by 10 and 100.

•     select the most appropriate calculation to solve problems

•     identify all factors and multiples of 2 digit numbers

•     convert between fractions, decimal fractions and percentages (ie ¾ = 0.75 = 75%) and carry out simple calculations, including finding fractions of quantities

•     understand the uses and risks of a bank card and realise that budgeting is important

•     understand the terms of profit and loss

•     convert between 12 and 24 hour time and interpret timetables

•     select the appropriate unit of time to measure an event

•     make links between the metric system and place value system and carry out calculations with measures and common units.

•     find the perimeter and area of a range of shapes and the volume of 3D objects

•     continue a number sequence by using a systematic procedure

•     use a variety of strategies to find an unknown value in a problem

•     describe properties of a wide range of 2D shapes and 3D objects using appropriate vocabulary

•     describe angles using the vocabulary acute, right, obtuse, straight,  reflex and complete turn

•     measure and draw an angle (accurately to +, - 2 degrees)

•     plot and describe the location of a point on a grid.

•     identify and draw all lines of symmetry and complete a symmetrical pattern or picture

•     read and understand information presented in a variety of ways

•     carry out meaningful surveys and investigations to gather data and can select the most appropriate way to display the data.

•     label or scale a graph or chart accurately.