Clermiston News 2022-23

The Sound of Musicals 2023

On the week of 20th of March 2023, our whole school pulled together something really special! Every single one of us was part of the big 2023 performance. We had such a variety of songs, all taken from a different musical over the years. The pupils and teachers have worked incredibly hard to make sure they had a great result.

Six P7s took it one step further and became the 'narrators' aka 'the Teachers', dawning their lanyards and high viz jackets to link each performance together. 

Our backstage crew of runners, stage, sound engineers and lighting directors ensured that everything went smoothly behind the scenes. 

Mr Lithgow was our resident producer, putting together everyone's work into one big amazing show as well as editing a brilliant video of our staff team having a proper dance to Footloose.

Our parents and carers have been helping with home rehearsals, costumes, nerve calming and confidence boosting. It was a joy to perform for their raucous applause!


World Book Day 2023

We always make a big deal about World Book Day here at Clermiston, as we love to lose ourselves in a good story and we want to share that joy with our school community.

The idea behind the first ever World Book Day back in 1995 was to get as many people reading for fun and to give every child in the UK a chance to have a book of their own. Over the years it has become a huge celebration of books and reading, and our school celebrates it whole-heartedly each year. 

Our pupils and grown-ups took part in activities all throughout the week, dropping everything to read, decorating doors, revamping iPad boxes, swapping books, finding out about authors and older children reading to younger children. It ended with a day where children could come to school in their cosiest pyjamas (and some with their teddies) or they could come as a book character too. So you can imagine how colourful our assembly was that day!

Big thanks to Mrs Gilhooley for pulling it all together, we had such a wholesome week!


Click to Download World Book Day Parent Carer Letter [pdf 113KB] Click to Download

Anti-Bullying Week 2022

Listen Up! Respect Our Rights!

Monday 14th to Friday 18th of November

This week is Anti-Bullying Week across the UK and Clermiston Primary are going all out! Led by our hard-working Equality and Equity Pupil Group, Anti-Bullying week will take shape in many different ways from nursery to P7 (and beyond!).

Our Equality and Equity Group kicked us off last week with a P4-7 Assembly, which was delivered with style and clarity. We will also do one for Nursery to P3s on Wednesday. This was only the tip of the iceberg though. In our regular meetings, it was raised that we needed to figure out what we already understand about bullying and what can be done about it, so that afterwards we could measure the success and see what else needs done here at Clermiston. To do that, each class took a short survey which we will use to make sure our whole team is supported to understand and feel empowered to make a change where it needs it.  

Behind the scenes, teachers and some pupils have been on training courses with RespectMe, and have been sharing lots of resources to make this week as exciting and useful as possible for everyone. 

Our Equality and Equity Group would love for you to watch this video so you know more about the theme and what you can do to support your child at home. 

 Â AntiBullying Parent Info

For even more detailed info, check out the Parents and Carers Info Kit below. 

Click to Download Parents carers info kit [pdf 1MB] Click to Download

Welcome Back!

The website has been a little quiet but the school certainly hasn't. Since returning to school, we have been up to all sorts of things... it is hard to know where to begin! 

Our new P1s are embracing play-based learning and are already into the swing of things. And at the other end of the school, the new P7 House Captains have been been voted for and have already been busy with responsibilities around the school. Our P7s have also recently returned from an incredibly successful residential trip to Lagganlia. Parents and carers have been come to visit as part of our Meet the Teacher event on Thursday 29th of September, our ever brilliant Uniform area. 

And the buzz around the school is centred around the learning that has been going on in (and out) of the classrooms. It is hard to walk past the P5 classrooms without a pupil luring you in to excitedly point out their Mary Queen of Scots investigations! 

The P6s are getting stuck into using their 1:1 iPads as part of the Empowered Learning programme, exploring how it can enhance their creativity and ingenuity across the whole curriculum. 

For details of what your child's class is up to, remember we post their Parent Term plans to their class Team each term. This is where your child will find homework and general class updates too. 

Looking forward to the 2022-23 session already, if this is how it has started!